Imperial War Museum WW2 Loan Boxes

The brief

The Imperial War Museum North asked us to design and create six Loan Boxes as part of their offsite provision for schools, young people and communities. Full of replica World War 2 paraphernalia, the aim of the boxes was to give an overview of areas of life that were impacted by the Second World War.

We drew together many processes, materials and skills and it was hugely satisfying to deliver. We were congratulated for the success of the consignment, our ingenuity and attention to detail.

Lucy Beacham – Designer – Spur Creative

Prop process images

  1. Various imperial war museum props and replicas.
  2. A child’s toy, a tin and a hand-stitched embroidered postcard replica props.
  3. A replica prop of army issue ration biscuits that the soldiers used to fashion into keepsakes in a vintage tin.
  4. The derby scheme card replica props that would have been sent out to millions of young men.
  5. Replica ww1 kit bag props with the imperial war museum branding.
  6. A set of display drawers props filled with postcards and public information leaflets.

The Process

  • The 6 Loan Boxes were made to look like old trunks, these were used by The Imperial War Museum to keep all the props we made when showing to schools and young people.
  • We made some replica factory workers goggles that were hand sculptedmoulded and cast in resin and painted to look authentic.
  • A child’s toy, a tin and a hand-stitched embroidered postcard that would have been sent as a love token. The teddy is made from old blankets by wounded soldiers in the hospital.
  • A replica of army issue ration biscuits that the soldiers used to fashion into keepsakes, placed in a vintage tin.
  • The Derby scheme was set up in WW1 and was designed to see if recruits could be met by volunteers only, or if conscription was necessary. We made some card replica props that would have been sent out to millions of young men.
  • We made some replica WW1 kit bags with the Imperial War Museum branding.
  • Replica prop mashed potato pudding. We made this by piping mashed potato into a bowl, then taking it out and moulding and casting 6 in a 2-part foam.
  • A set of display drawers filled with postcards and public information leaflets.
  • A collection of old photographs that the soldiers of WW1 would have as keepsakes to remind them of home.

And many many more, too much to show.

Project Image

Loan box prop with vintage oxo tin props and other worn out props.

The Result

We had so much fun creating this project and our client loved the result as we hope you do too. There was a display cabinet showing many of our replica props we made and sourced. Hopefully our images can give you a real insight into the project.