Inside Spur Creative: The Art and Craft of Prop Making for Film and TV

Hard coating a polystyrene Snoopy sculpture with fibreglass.

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Greetings from the Spur Creative workshop, where imagination turns into reality! We are thrilled to take you behind the scenes of our passion-filled workspace, to give you a taste of what it’s like to craft props for film, television, and theatre.

Let's dive into the fascinating universe of prop making, where creativity, technical skills, and storytelling converge.

What is prop making?

Prop making might seem like an obscure craft to many, but in reality, it’s an intricate process involving a blend of creativity, precision, and technical knowledge. Imagine for a moment your favourite film or television show without the lightsabers of Star Wars, the Iron Throne of Game of Thrones, or the wands in Harry Potter - not quite the same, is it? These props are pivotal to our beloved stories, transforming them from mere scripts into immersive experiences.

Let's begin by addressing the elephant in the room: What exactly is a prop? The term "prop" is short for "property," and in film, television, and theatre, a prop is essentially any object that the actors interact with on set. It could be as grand as a replica of the Titanic or as modest as a vintage tea cup. These objects play a critical role in setting the scene, reflecting character personalities, and adding depth to the storyline.

How do we get started?

At Spur Creative, the prop making process begins with a brief from the client, a kind of wishlist detailing what they envision for their project. This could range from fantastical creatures to specific period furniture. Once the brief is understood, the team moves to the drawing board, sketching, designing and modelling the props before starting to build in the real world.

What do we love the most?

The beauty of prop making lies in its diversity. One day, you could be meticulously painting a foam sculpture, and the next, programming LED lights into a futuristic gadget. This field requires mastery in a variety of skills, such as sculpting, moulding, painting, and even electronics. The ultimate goal is always the same though: to create something extraordinary that adds value to the production and helps tell the story.

To the untrained eye, it may seem that once a prop is made, it is ready for its moment in the spotlight. However, the journey from workshop to set is often one filled with alterations and adjustments. For instance, if a prop is too heavy for an actor to comfortably use, or if it doesn’t look quite right on camera, modifications must be made. Feedback loops between the prop makers and the production team are vital to ensure that the final product seamlessly fits into the narrative.

Working on props can sometimes feel like a thankless job. The artistry and effort that go into crafting them are often overlooked by viewers who are captivated by the drama unfolding on screen. Yet, we at Spur Creative find satisfaction in knowing they have created something tangible that contributes to the magic of storytelling. When the lights dim, the music swells, and the story begins to unfold, it is their creations that help transport audiences to another place and time.

Prop making is a perfect amalgamation of creativity, practical skills, and storytelling. It’s the silent art that speaks volumes on screen. So we invite you to see beyond the actors next time you're engrossed in a film or TV show. Props are not just objects, they are integral parts of the narrative.

At Spur Creative, we are a team of dedicated artists and technicians who pour our hearts and soul into each prop we create. Our commitment to our craft ensures that we keep adding to the magic of storytelling, helping bring stories to life, one prop at a time. So, the next time you see a unique object on the screen, remember there's a team like us who've lovingly created it to enhance your viewing experience.

Enthralled by the magic of props and the stories they tell? Reach out to the Spur Creative team and let's shape your narrative with precision and passion!